

Merci. Votre paiement de {total-amount}a été reçu.

Veuillez vérifier votre e-mail pour des informations supplémentaires.

Merci pour votre confiance et à bientôt dans le ciel bleu !!!

{form-title} – The form’s title.

{form-description} – The form’s description.

{total-amount} – The total price of the payment.

{customer-name} – The value of the Name form field.

{charge-date} – The charge date returned from Stripe.

{charge-id} – The unique charge ID returned from Stripe.

{payment-type} – The type of payment (one-time or recurring).

{card-brand} – The brand of the card used. Visa, Amex, etc.

{card-last4} – The last four digits of the card used.

{tax-amount} – The calculated tax amount based on the total and the tax percent setting.

{fee-recovery-amount} – The calculated fee recovery amount based on the total and the fee recovery percent setting.